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The Effectiveness of Radio Drama in Encouraging Maternal Health Checkups: A Study of Zuru Local Government Area, Kebbi State.

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
Radio drama, a form of entertainment-education, has proven to be an effective medium for influencing health-related behaviors, particularly in underserved and rural communities. With its blend of storytelling and education, radio drama captivates audiences while imparting valuable information. Maternal health is a critical area of concern in Nigeria, with high maternal mortality rates linked to inadequate access to healthcare, cultural misconceptions, and low awareness of antenatal services. In Zuru Local Government Area, Kebbi State, these challenges are exacerbated by infrastructural deficits and socio-economic barriers. Radio drama can bridge the information gap by addressing cultural myths, promoting positive health behaviors, and encouraging women to seek maternal health checkups. As Olumide and Bello (2024) argue, drama-based radio programs are particularly effective in rural areas due to their accessibility, affordability, and capacity to connect with listeners through relatable narratives. These programs not only educate but also empower women by highlighting the benefits of antenatal care and the risks of neglecting maternal health. However, despite the recognized potential of radio drama, there is limited empirical evidence assessing its impact on maternal health behaviors in specific communities like Zuru, necessitating this study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Maternal mortality remains a pressing issue in Zuru Local Government Area, with many women failing to access essential health services due to cultural beliefs, lack of awareness, and logistical challenges. While radio has been employed as a tool for health education, the effectiveness of drama-based programs in encouraging maternal health checkups in Zuru is unclear. Previous studies, such as those by Nwogu and Ibrahim (2023), indicate that radio drama can influence health behaviors, but its implementation often faces barriers such as inconsistent messaging and limited engagement with local contexts. Without targeted research, stakeholders may overlook the potential of radio drama as a sustainable and impactful intervention for improving maternal health outcomes in Zuru.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  1. To explore the role of radio drama in raising awareness about maternal health checkups in Zuru.

  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of radio drama in encouraging women to seek maternal health services in Zuru.

  3. To identify challenges affecting the implementation of radio drama as a tool for maternal health promotion in Zuru.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. How does radio drama raise awareness about maternal health checkups in Zuru?

  2. What is the effectiveness of radio drama in encouraging maternal health checkups in Zuru?

  3. What challenges hinder the use of radio drama for maternal health promotion in Zuru?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

  1. Radio drama significantly raises awareness about maternal health checkups in Zuru.

  2. Radio drama effectively encourages women in Zuru to seek maternal health services.

  3. Significant challenges affect the implementation of radio drama for maternal health promotion in Zuru.

1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is vital for healthcare providers, broadcasters, and policymakers in Zuru Local Government Area. By examining the impact of radio drama on maternal health behaviors, it offers actionable insights for designing and implementing effective health communication strategies. Healthcare providers can use the findings to enhance community outreach programs, while broadcasters can develop more engaging and impactful content. Policymakers can integrate radio drama into broader maternal health promotion initiatives, addressing barriers to healthcare access. Furthermore, the study contributes to the literature on media and health communication, particularly in rural Nigerian contexts.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study is confined to Zuru Local Government Area of Kebbi State. It focuses on the use of radio drama in promoting maternal health checkups, excluding other media formats or health issues outside this scope.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

  • Radio Drama: A scripted audio program designed to entertain and educate listeners, often addressing social or health issues.

  • Maternal Health Checkups: Regular health assessments conducted during pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both mother and child.

  • Health Promotion: Efforts aimed at enhancing public health through education and awareness campaigns.

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